Monday, July 11, 2005

Me (on the right) and my maid of honor Caroline. Ever met a person who makes being a good friend seem effortless and natural? Well, Caroline is my friend who makes it soo easy to trust, believe and love. If only there were more Carolines...... Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just testing this out.........

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My bestest buddy!
Okay, I just looked at your blog, which I had no idea what is was until now.( I guess not having a computer at home has made me start to lose the slang of the world wide web). See 18yrs of being friends and we're still learning from each other!

Well my dear the wedding is over and you're back to your normal life. I have never met anyone who was so worried to become a bridezilla and yet managed to keep her cool on her big day. You didn't shed a tear until the supper and even if it was so hot out you managed to look like a princess. Always remember that you and Jimmy were surrounded by those that love you. I told you no one would leave or would pass out! It was the most perfect wedding I have ever been to and I'm so happy I was a part of it. I keep telling everyone that my whole experience as a "maid of honur" was my best moment yet. You know just how to make a person feel special and the only thing I regret is not being closer to Timmins to do more of the planning with you. I think in our own way we've bonded a lot the past year and even though it wasn't going to pick out a dress with you, or looking at the location, we can always say the week before the wedding we laughed a lot, tried to calm your dad down, did fun crafts and ate more than our fare share of potato chips and lemonade. Thanks again Queen!!

I guess this growing up stuff isn't so bad after all. Especially if it means we get to keep friends like you along the way. You are always there for me wether its to listen or give advise, you make me laugh, teach me tricks to get boys attention, and never ever make me feel unimportant. I love listening to your stories and look forward to talking with you because I know I'm in for at least 2 hours of good laughs.

So, this was supposed to be short and sweet and I just kept writting. Thank you for posting the picture of us and for writting all those nice things you said about me. You got me teary eyed!! I get the internet in two weeks and I'll have to check this blog frequently! Maybe someday you can teach me how to make my own. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to get my "cd" from you! hehe Can I be any more subtle?!?!

Love you bella,
Caroline xox

7:37 PM  

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