Monday, May 22, 2006

I love my boys.

I'm not usually this chipper on a Sunday night.
I'm not usually awake this late either.
Long weekends make me happy. I wasn't even bummed about the miserable weather today. Because tomorrow is another day.

Date night with Jimmy on Saturday. It was a last minute thing so I didn't get the usual date night dinner out. Actually, I barely had time to freshen up. It kinda went like this.

James - Hey Raina, wanna see The Davinci Code in an hour?
Raina - Sure, but you gotta hold my hand all the way from the parking lot till we get to our seats in the theatre. And we have to go out for ice cream."

Jimmy gave me one of those 'Oh Brother' looks.

To which I replied "I'm serious. I want people to look at us and figure we're on a second date or something. I want to look cute, not married."

Whether or not we succeeded isn't important. We arrived home at midnight and we were instantly transformed back into Banner's Mom & Dad. He greeted us at the door. Wagging his tail, his whole body shaking, soo happy to see us. I felt so bad for leaving him for 4 hours that I gave him a treat. A treat we usually reserve for work day mornings. I give him a chew as I'm going out the door for work. To soften the blow that he'll be alone for the day yet again.

And let me tell you what a huge 'grown up' move that was for me to give him a chew last night. Banner LOVES his Chew Eez. Soo much. But they make him fart. Knowing this, I still gave him a Chew Eez and Jimmy and I sat with him and watched tv.

Yes everybody, say it. "Eeeeeeewwwwwwww puppy farts!!!"

Banner & Jimmy Posted by Picasa

I joined Jimmy and Banner for a lunch hour walk this past Wednesday.
So what if date nights aren't as frequent anymore. And yup, I'm cool with bringing fast food home so that we can share our fries with Banner. These are my two boys and they are my life.

p.s. Jimmy and I have been talking babies a lot lately. We have this parental intuition kicking in already...we just know we're going to have a baby boy first. I always wanted a girl and Jimmy always wanted a boy....until now. Now I want a boy and Jimmy wants a girl. But we 'think' we'll have a boy.

So, here I am, toying with the idea of another boy in our housebold. And Jimmy pipes in "you'll be the lone girl in a house full of dong."

Crap, what was I thinking??? Boys talk silly and I'm gonna be smack in the middle of it. So, what are the rules??? If you want a boy, eat dill pickles. If you want a girl, eat yogurt????


Blogger Greta Adams said...

girl all those old wives tales ..don't believe them...they never worked for my 2 pregnancies...i did total opposite on both...

10:23 AM  
Blogger Valerie said...

YAY for date night!! Love how you wrote out the whole conversation, too cute!! And talking about babies..exciting..I want a girl too, but Jared wants boys..I already know the first one will be a boy, just a feeling..have an awesome Victoria day monday!!

2:07 PM  
Blogger Christielli said...

Well unfortunately since you're my friend, you'll be having a boy. All my friends have boys. None have girls. (4 friends had 5 babies in the past couple of years -- all boys.) My friend Ali is pregnant again, so maybe she'll break the streak...

I laughed so hard at "I'm serious. I want people to look at us and figure we're on a second date or something. I want to look cute, not married"!!

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pickles and yogurt have nbothing to do with it!! The male passes on either an x or a y make sure Jimmy's spermies are all "y"s!! LOL.

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Are you pregnant?? Hehe jk jk! (But you sooo have to tell us when you are, I hope you know that!!!)

Aww... Nick & I went to see the Davinci Code on Saturday TOO!!

9:17 PM  
Blogger Jill H said...

heh heh...'house full of dong'.
too funny!!
it wouldn't be too bad to be the only girl, & be spoiled by 'your boys' :)

11:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

girl - get on top
boy - be on bottom
or the other way around.

i'm sure it has nothing to do with genetics, though!!


you will be fantastic!
love and lots of it

11:27 PM  
Blogger Mara said...

you crack me up!
love love love date night including banner.

8:44 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

That sounds like some good times. Hope that date night was fun.

Babies eh? Wow, that is a big step, great for you!


12:00 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Wear pink everyday. :) Worked for my brother's baby's momma! Hee!

You are too cute. :)

1:27 PM  
Blogger elizabeth said...

date night...hmm...whats that???? ;)

congrats on the decision to start thinking about babies. i love, love, love being pregnant. morning sickness and all :)

3:11 PM  
Blogger jessica said...

The movie conversation cracks me up!

11:36 PM  
Blogger RACHEL =) said...

tee hee, you always make me laugh, Raina!!! Glad you had a good date night!!!!
And WOO-HOO on the baby talk, that's awesome... good luck! =)

1:51 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

hooray for fun date night...
and holding hands. :)

yay for babies...
my friend has a book "how to choose the sex of your baby" or something like that. She got what she wanted (girl) and 2 of her friends who used it got what they wanted (boys).

5:40 PM  

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