Friday, April 28, 2006

What's a girl to do?

Dr. X is working at the hospital for the week. I’m alone in the office doing my own thing. Mail comes and there is a package for Dr. X.

I open mail but leave box untouched and page Dr. X to let him know that there is a package incase it’s something he needs. You never know right? Dr. X. sounds excited and says “cool, I’ll pick it up on my way home tonight.” When Dr. X comes in to pick up package later in the day, he looks at box completely untouched.

Dr. X: You didn’t open the package?

Me: Nope, it looked like a personal package. Didn’t want to open it on the off chance it was a Kamasutra type book.

Dr. X gives me one of those “oh please” looks.

Me: Hey, those are embarrassing books to buy in person. Everyone orders them online.

Dr. X: If I ordered any thing like that, I’d have it send directly to my house. I wouldn’t have it delivered to the office.

And to prove it isn’t smutty, Dr X. rips open the box and shows off the entire collection of Conan the Barbarian comics he’s purchased for himself and his three young boys to enjoy once they’re old enough. All I can say is “You’re such a dork”.

Fast forward to this morning when mail comes in. Mail, junk and another box. I sort through mail, and decide to open box so that everything will fix nicely into his mail slot.

I open the box and what do I effing see?????

Two books. One called The Female G-spot and a how to on Cunnilingus. Don’t ask me actual titles. I can’t remember. At that very moment, my head, my heart and stomach had attacks.

I pack everything back up, close the box up but wouldn’t you know it, it looks like a box that’s been tampered with.

Don’t think I can look Dr. X in the eyes on Monday.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My baby brother turned how old???

We're getting our house early. Closing date was originally June 30th. Just found out we get the keys on the 15th, which would possibly turn into the 9th. Now I have 2-3 weeks less to wait. And I'm starting to get nervous. Really. Soo worried about the move. People do it all the time, but dude.....they're not moving MY stuff. I like my stuff. Jimmy & I started our life together with more than the milk crate chairs and patio furnature dining room set that our parents started out with. Dare I say I'm more stressed about the move than I was about our wedding??? Yeah, totally never moving again. I hope I loooove this house when we move in and make it our own. Because our first home will be our last.

Just between you and I, I think our house is quite adorable but the fact that there are 5 bedrooms is what got me. Jimmy and I decided years ago on having only two children (God willing, of course) so that means, we'll always have two extra rooms. Which means I'll never need to give up my scraproom. I'm totally overwhelmed with all the paint combo possibilities. Cause Jimmy doesn't need to live with it. It has nothing to do with him. Tell me, what color combo am I???

Happy 26th birthday to my baby brother!!!

Anyone shocked Mikey had to goof if up?? It's like his thing. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

greetings from Timmins!!!

this is an audio post - click to play

Just being myself. Totally 'unscripted'. And I'm sure you caught it, cause it wasn't subtle. I freeking said 'eh'.

Monday, April 17, 2006

the title is the hardest part......

Long weekends are fabulous. Extra long weekends are even better. Jimmy went back to work this morning and so did I until the office manager came in at noon and asked me “What the hell are you doing here? Didn’t Yves tell you it was a stat holiday??”


I can’t be too upset. I did get a few hours in this morning, along with stat pay. With a huge down payment looming in my near future, I’ll take it. But I skipped out of the afternoon and came home to Banner.

Had a good weekend. Friday afternoon my mom, Caroline and I got ‘a little fix’ when we headed over to a friend’s house for tea and to wish her a happy birthday. A birthday girl always gets the last word and Paula informed us that tea didn’t sound like a very cheery drink to have on a birthday.

Thank God I think of my mom as a girlfriend rather than a mom because snippets of our conversations were as followed “my tits hang down to my snatch……snatches are ugly……..a dizzying spell of “Fuck” used as a noun, verb and adjective all over the place….every once in a while there was an ‘Esti de tabarnacle’ for moments when cursing in French seemed to work better. Ahhh yes, Good Friday!!!!!!! No meat please, but viva la vodka. I couldn’t come home smelling like a tavern cause meat-lovin’ Jimmy would have thrown a tantrum and burgers on the grill.

On Saturday I was Caroline’s date for the world’s longest baby shower…. Caroline and I showed up for 2pm and supper was served at 6pm and when we finally left, it was late enough to head out for drinks. Like Whoa!!!

Today was the first day of summer according to Jimmy, Banner & I. We sat outside, fired up the barbecue and ate like pigs. Cause c’mon, the first BBQ of the summer is always the most satisfying.

the face of an angel

the work of a devil.....seriously. if we hadn't given our notice to move out, I'm sure we would have gotten kicked out.

Decided to pass on meeting up with Erin this weekend. Thought about it some more since I spoke to her and decided she didn’t seem as torn up as she should have been about almost loosing me. And she maintains that she had no clue that she flashed mine & Jimmy’s family at our wedding. I think I forgave her for a few minutes when she confided that she was calling me while sitting at home on a Saturday at 1pm drinking rye & gingers and that she knew she had a problem and needed help but after hanging up, I was like ‘whoa, she got off really easy and she didn’t A) cry or B) really apologize. She just said something to the likes of “I’m such a screw up. What is wrong with me?? I almost lost my best friend because of my own stupidity…”

It’s not over. I haven’t given up on her, on us. I just keep hoping she’ll meet a nice guy and settle down. That she’ll grow up and out of her reckless stage. She’s a wonderful person, just not when she’s drinking, which is unfortunately too often. I just don’t want to sound like the boring, married friend. Or the hypocrite. I’ve done some pretty stupid things. And she knows about most of it.

Greta, this is for you……. I present to you Erin. (Posting these against my better judgement….however, they are good for me also. Each picture has a special memory that encourages me to hold onto our friendship.)

wha????? yup, Miss Porno Hair didn't always have hot hair.

snacking on Beer Balls.

bwa-hahaha ok ok, yet another evening wearing my favorite necklace.

with some of my brother's of the many nights she ditched me at the bar.

yeah yeah, same necklace....but this was all the same night.

Erin & I on my wedding day - for some reason, I wanted my picture taken pre-comb out. Something about the porno curls.

Erin and I, and the dress I never should have let her wear.....shoulda made her wear straps.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ok, so I was wrong. Caroline changed her plans and will be in town this weekend instead. Stay tuned….

A little late, but noteworthy…Jimmy was in a judo tournament last weekend and took 1st place in his category. I was nervous all day Saturday, worried he’d come home with a broken bone. In honor of the gold medal he brought home, let’s celebrate with a few pictures shall we??

Jimmy Posted by Picasa

Jimmy Posted by Picasa

Remember two months ago Jimmy got his black belt and I forgot my memory card for my camera??? Well, I finally got some pictures to share. Maybe in two more months, I’ll get the pictures that were taken of Jimmy fighting at the tournament.

Signing off in 5…..

5. I don’t wear lipstick. Ever. Don’t own it, don’t know how to apply it.

4. Banner is licking my toes at the moment. And I kinda dig it.

3. It’s 10:08pm on the Thursday before Good Friday and the weekend has officially started. I could stay up as late as I dare doing whatever I want…but I can barely keep my eyes open.

2. Jimmy and I are eating baked macaroni for Good Friday.

1. Caroline should be driving home as I type this. Can’t wait.

p.s. Word verification makes me crazy. I have the hardest time. So mine is gone. Enjoy!!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Nothing to write about. Seriously.

Maybe I’ll have something this weekend….. Caroline will be in town. And even if I have nothing to write, I’ll at least have pictures.

And on Easter weekend Erin (aka Girl Gone Wild aka Easy E) will be home. I spoke to her last Saturday afternoon. She called and completely caught me off guard. She listened to me and acknowledged she has a problem. In return, I agreed to see her and we’ll continue our talk. No alcohol, no bars, no wild times…..

I’ll leave you with a few pictures….my two special boys. Banner makes appearances all over the blog, but Jimmy’s pics are far and few between.

The BannerMan Posted by Picasa
OMG, Banner is gorgeous when he wants to be isn't he? Or am I just a proud momma?

Raina & Jimmy Posted by Picasa
Voila! I really do have a husband.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Is my Nana not stinking cute or what???? She the toughest lady around and at 85, she still acts like a spring chicken. She shovels show, mows the lawn, and fixes things around the house. Refuses to let my dad help.

My mom's sisters made the trip from Ottawa to Timmins to celebrate. My mom is standing above me. My dad shouldn't be too difficult to pick out.
A)because he's the only male in the picture &
B) because I've been told I'm his splitting image.
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