Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The end of an era

Well, this is it girls.... (I'm in denial, no one is reading this blog)

My belly-button ring fell out in the shower this morning and I've decided it's not going back in anymore. Yeah yeah, married women have piercings but not this one. It's out and I'll live with it. I am still cool, and yeah if I ever have a daughter that wants one, I'll just tell her I'd rather tattoo my entire body than get my belly-button pierced again. It only took a minute or so to get the piercing, but my two tattoos were far less painful.

Yikes, 4 days till the wedding..........what was I thinking when I decided on an outdoor wedding in July? Yesterday I almost perished from the heat. And the long-range weather forecast is predicting it'll only get hotter as the week progresses.

First Time!!!

Alright, I'm joining in on this blogging craze. Get ready here I come.

There are some really cool chicks already blogging away out there so I know I'm in good company. I just have to find me an audience. Shouldn't be to hard right, with all the reality tv and blog junkies out there already, there is no shortage of people interested in others lives.

I'm cool and eccentric. I have lots to write about. Heck, I'm 5 days away from being married. Trust me, there are things going on inside my head that need to get out......and I welcome any encouragement from girls who've thought their heads would explode with all the planning....who cried at the drop of a hat......who made their families crazy.

After the wedding, do you go back to normal? I don't think my family will keep me if I don't.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Me (on the right) and my maid of honor Caroline. Ever met a person who makes being a good friend seem effortless and natural? Well, Caroline is my friend who makes it soo easy to trust, believe and love. If only there were more Carolines...... Posted by Picasa
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