Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm baaa-aaaack

We’re settling in….nicely.
Home ownership agrees with me.
Made my bed six mornings in a row!! Trust me, this is huge!
I come home from work and actually want to tidy up and do the dishes after dinner. I’m sure the novelty will wear off any day now. But I’ll force myself to do it anyways….cause the first day I let it slide, someone will drop by unannounced to check the place out.

This was the best move ever!!!
Don’t get me wrong, It was hard work and it took three weekends but seriously, we were really lucky. Rent was paid till June 30th and we took possession on the 9th so there was no rush to move in. It took a whole effing week to paint everything. Five bedrooms homes are a real prize, until you realize every room is the wrong color and needs to be repainted.

And here is where I give credit where credit is due. To people who don’t even read my blog. Painting started immediately on the 9th (Friday) and we continued throughout the weekend. Jimmy’s parents and Jimmy’s sister put in full days painting while Jimmy and I went to work the following week. Can you believe it? I HATE painting…..this was a blessing!!! I never in a million years would have had the patience to finish everything. I honestly would have stopped on the second coat in my scrap room. (Angie, I love you……and yes, 4 coats later, I can feel some good scrapping coming on.) Yes, you read it, 4 coats!!!

Last weekend was the move. Did it all on Friday and Saturday. Then we spent Sunday unpacking. We still have some boxes to unpack…..but I’m planning on attacking them bright and early Saturday morning. And then hopefully I’ll be able to share some pictures by Sunday.

Alright, I’m out….. I have like what, three weeks worth of blogging to catch up on???

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hey everybody!!!

No more internet or phone in the apartment. Blogging from my parents house. Cause I had to wish Greta a happy birthday.

This weekend is the big move. Catch you later.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Well, it’s official, we’re homeowners.
But also still renters.
Our apartment is paid up till June 30th so there’s no need to rush the move. We’re taking the time to clean, paint and fix everything before we move furniture in.

We picked up the key to the house on Friday afternoon and brought Banner along. The dog went nuts. No, seriously!! He loves his backyard and basement. There’s tons of space for him to run around in.

Got him to sit still for a few minutes.

shiny new home owners Posted by Picasa

Wanna know what sucks almost as much as packing and moving……
Painting!!! I was soo excited about prospect of moving into a house with 5 bedrooms. The realization that they all needed to be painted came after

My scrap room has taken 3 coats already. Jimmy’s sister is much more meticulous than I am. She’s warned me it might take a 4th. We’ll see what it looks like when we go back tomorrow.

The rest of the bedrooms and living room should be completed tomorrow. Then we’re tackling the basement.

My back aches, my arms are sore. I’m a real fright. Can’t wait to go back to work tomorrow to sit and relax.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Are we done yet?

Jimmy estimated we’re 30% packed. Unfortunately, I believe that is a fair guess. We just have sooo much stuff.

I packed all my scrap supplies last weekend. Then today I bought some supplies.
Dumb idea. Now this stuff’s going to end up packed in a random box with crap I might not look for in the next little while.

My extensive collection of drinking glasses is causing me grief.
I am obsessed with glasses.
I’d throw one mean party if I ever busted them all out, be the talk of the town.
“Dude, I drank out of the most fantastic glass at that party last night” and “Whoa, that hot blonde sure has a cool collection of glasses’
However, I’d be too worried someone would break a glass to have a good time. So, I’ll pass.
But if any of you fine readers every drop by to see me, I’ll mix you up the most stellar strawberry daquirie you’ve ever tasted. And you can choose any glass you would like.

I’m soo sweaty and disgusting at home without AC. The only thing making me happy right now are my toes painted ‘discotheque’ – my own special combo of the most sexy red ever with a sparkly silver top coat. Add sparkly silver flip flops and you have a woman who could rule the world.

And with this, my fine readers, I leave you.
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