2005; A Year in Retrospect.
Did you make a New Year's Resolution this year?
January seems like forever ago. I can’t remember. Don’t think I did though.
Who kissed you at midnight?
Jimmy and I spent New Years Eve moving into the apartment we are living in now. If we were still awake at midnight, Jimmy would’ve been my midnight smooch.
Took this picture right before heading to bed....and one year later.....everything still looks pretty much the same... I won't show you any pictures of the basement where the bathroom and bedrooms are. The upstairs was unpacked and set up that first day...and we slept on a mattress on the floor downstairs that night.
Did it snow where you live?
Yeah, January is a big snow month.
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
Nope, but Jimmy and I were in Times Square this summer during our honeymoon and I know exactly where the ball drops from.
Who was your valentine?
If I said anyone other than Jimmy, I’d be in trouble. No, waitaminute, there was also Banner. Ok, I had two valentines.
What did your valentine get you?
Whoa back up!!! Who gets gifts? I’ve never gotten anything.
Are you Irish?
My mom says she has Irish in her family, so that means somewhere down the line, I am a teensy bit too right?
Did you wear green on St. Patty's Day?
I don’t think I even own anything green.
What did you do for St. Patty's Day?
Me and my Nana - no comment on who was the worse influence..
Do you like the rain?
Not particularly. I have high maintenance hair. Porno hair looks more like drowned rat hair in the rain.
Did you play an April Fool's joke on anyone this year?
100% positive I didn’t.
Did you get tons of candy on Easter?
Jimmy’s family buys all sorts of shit. Too much actually. And my mom buys me those huge bags of Mini Eggies. Like 3 lbs of them.
What's your favorite kind of flower?
I’m the kind of girl who wears daisies my hair. I like them all. Bright colorful bouquets, small simple ones, whatever. I went slightly simple with my wedding bouquets and now….they are my new favorite and because the wrong ones were delivered, I haven’t a clue what they were.
Oh, and while I was searching for a pic of my bouquet, I found this and just wanted to share.
Do you like the spring?
Yup, it’s not too hot and not too cold.
Finish the phrase: "April showers bring..."
May flowers. (couldn’t think of anything else…if it aint broke…)
What year did you graduate from school?
Grade 12 June 1996 and went back for more torture....OAC (Grade 13)
Did you go on any vacations last June?
Nope, too busy with wedding planning.
What did you do on the 4th of July?
The Canadians I know do nothing on the 4th of July. But on July 1st this year, it was cold and rainy so I skipped the Canada Day celebrations.
Did you go on any vacations during this month?
Yup, honeymooned in NYC.
Did you do anything special to end off your summer?
We always one last big BBQs a pig roast and end of the summer parties out at cottages.
What was your favorite summer memory of '05?
My wedding and honeymoon.
Did you go swimming a lot in the summer?
I haven’t owned a bathing suit since I was 14.
Did you go to the beach a lot? Girls who don’t wear bathing suits don’t hang out on the beach.
Did you attend school/college in '05?
Nope. I’ve forgotten what that is all about.
Who is/was your favorite teacher?
Mme Chenier…..was my creative writing teacher and also creative writing club supervisor.
Did you like fall better than summer?
Things started to cool down…so yeah.
What was your favorite Halloween costume ever?
Cruella Deville. I’ve dressed up as her for 3-4 times. I really dig her hair. It’s sooo Raina!
What's your favorite candy?
Any of those little mini-chocolate bars.
What did you dress up like this year?
Cruella…of course. She’s a meanie, but soo darn fashionably fashionable. Bwa-hahaha.
Whose house did you go to for Thanksgiving?
What’s wrong with me…that wasn’t too long ago but for the life of me, I cannot remember. Hmm, where the heck did I go? Either to my parents or Jimmy’s parents.
Do you like stuffing?
I say no, but the truth is that I’ve never really tasted it. Doesn’t it come out of the turkey’s butt?
What are you thankful for?
My family and friends, Jimmy and I both have jobs, health, happiness and electricity. Oh, and hairspray.
Do you celebrate Christmas?
Yes I do. With a bazillion happy healthy family members.
Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?
Don’t think I ever have.
What did you want this year for Christmas?
All the things I mentioned wanting were under the tree.
What's the best present you ever got for Christmas?
Soo many good ones, but this year was the year of The Rebel!!!
Do you like cold weather?
As if!
How would you rate your year on a scale of 1-10?
Soo much happiness in 2005, but lots of bad news too.
I have way huge expectations for 2006….. Bring it!