Monday, March 27, 2006

Week-end Recap

Slept in Saturday and Sunday. Felt good. Disappointed that I got really late starts on both days, but couldn't find it in me to get out of bed. Minimal laundry and cleaning done.

When I finally did get dressed and out the door, I stopped in at my parent's house for a visit. Ok, I dropped in more than once this past weekend. But c'mon, I didn't move all the way home from Ottawa to not stop in for the occasional home made meal.

Mom bought this cause it was too cheap to pass up. A real leather purse on clearance + 50% off + my mom's 15% discount. Will I ever use this? Someday, I will have the perfect outfit and it will look smashing. So yes, my mom bought it with an eccentric aunt of mine in mind, but I visited my parents house before she did so I decided I was entitled to it. I mean, c'mon, adorable.

Oh yeah, I should clue you ladies in..... I found my sparkly flip flops. Uh huh, I did. And when you find something that you love and can't live without, do yourself a favor and buy it in every color. I almost died when I found them. I mean, I looked all over NYC last summer to replace the pair that broke the summer before. I had just about given up hope.....and then I found them in Payless.

And last but not least, I have to share......

When Jimmy went to meet the home inspector last week, I asked him to take some pictures of our house. I mean, we aren't moving in till July. I didn't want to forget what the inside looked like.

At the moment, there is a family of 5 living in this house. Tons of pictures on the walls, stuff all over the place. I don't feel like it's my place to flash their personal belongings to the whole world, so the only picture I feel comfortable showing is the kitchen. If ever there was reason to learn to cook......

See the little table/island right in in the front?? I imagine the chairs will leave, but the little island is definitely staying.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

My mom and I went into this gift store in the mall about a month ago and met the sweetest girl. She was working alone in the store and just engaged us in conversation as though we were best friends. I've never met anyone soo friendly. I wanted to eat her up, in hopes of becoming just a teensy bit like her. FYI my mom and I are the best judges of character in the world. Growing up, I believed my mom was a witch or something. Now that I've realized I have the same gift, I've dropped that belief.

So anyways, back to the sweet mom and I both believed every word out of her mouth was genuine. And most of the words out of her mouth were compliments. She told me that she loved my hair and that she also loved my jacket. It's been sooo long since I've been complimented that way. I left the store feeling pretty damn good about myself.

This past weekend I was at the mall with my mom and she said "let's go see if our friend is working." As we approached the store, we saw her and she looked up and gave us the biggest smile and waved. We chatted a bit and again, she told me that she really loved my hair.

I gave up cutting hair a long time ago, but I almost offered to pull my sissors out of retirement and give her the cut she wanted, that's how sweet she was. Thank God I caught myself before I said anything stupid though. I don't cut hair anymore...I only cut Jimmy's and my parent's hair. It's a rule of mine. And I almost broke my own rule.

That's what compliments do to me. They make me walk tall, feel invincible and want to make exceptions to my rules.

Most of the time, I'm lousy at accepting compliments. They embarrass me. But I'm even worse at giving a compliment. I just don't know how to give it without seeming like I'm scheming or trying to butter someone up.

So, I'm bringing a little challenge to the table. Play along with me, or not. Either way, I'm gonna try to give out a compliment this week. I know, you're thinking "one compliment for the whole week??" Well, knock yourself out and give out 100 empty compliments if that's what you're used to doing. I've saving mine so that it's genuine. I wanna make someone's day. Maybe even someone's week.

How often do you get complimented? And when you do, what is it that gets the most attention?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Last weekend, I was running around wearing a light jacket. I grilled our supper outside on a bbq. It tasted like summer. Like the rest of the city, I was really hoping the nice weather would be here to stay. No such luck. It’s been freezing here all week. I come home, put on some slippers and pour myself countless cups of tea.

I’m really taking this new home owner role to heart. I don’t want to go into shock when I actually have to pay heat and hydro bills so I’m starting to wean myself off of the cozy apartment feel now. The sooner the better. We’ve been living in the tropics for the past year. Jimmy would seriously change into shorts and t-shirts the minute he got home from work. No more….I’m putting my slippered foot down. Now Jimmy’s menopausal mother will be able to visit longer than 5 minutes.

Ok, for anyone wondering….I called and no, Erin didn’t answer. I left voicemail asking her to call me back. Still haven’t heard from her. I was ready to forgive and give her another shot. Now I’m mad. Ignoring her phone calls was my right. She flashed her goodies to my family and friends at my wedding. She was in the wrong and I was allowed to be disappointed. What are the rules?? She should have returned my call right? She should be grateful that I want to talk again right?? Well then, why hasn’t she called? She’s as stubborn as I am I guess.

I’m on a search for sparkly silver flip-flops. I had the cutest pair last summer that I wore every day. They were damn uncomfortable for the first few weeks but I was determined to break the suckers in. Anyone up to the challenge to help me search??? I don’t know what you’re reward will be, but I promise it’ll be huge!!!

like this, but with sparkles

Monday, March 13, 2006

Thanks to everyone for your congratulations. Jimmy and I are giddy. All we can talk about right now is house talk. Which makes for boring blogging… I’ll spare you.

Got a super sweet package from Alex today in the mail.

Jimmy’s always been a little suspicious of the friends I’ve made through blogging. He thinks you’re all actually creepy dirty old men and says he won’t let me meet any of you cause there’s no way I can be sure you’re who you say you are.

Jimmy has now changed his stand on Alex. “Yup, Alex is a real girl. No guy would go into a store that sells scrapbook supplies and sparkly little novelty signs.”

Alex, we have Jimmy’s blessing. We better meet before Jimmy changes his mind again. I'll wait till it's a little warmer in Toronto though.

Tonight’s the night. Gonna make a phone call that should have been made weeks ago when Erin (aka Girl Gone Wild from my wedding?) wanted to talk to me. Anyone wanna put money on whether or not she answers the phone tonight?

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Things just got crazy. Real fast. All of a sudden.

The first half of this past week bored me to tears. Nothing worthy of sharing with the blogging community. It’s hard to have a fabulous life all the time.

Wednesday morning as Jimmy was jumping out of bed for work, he mentioned we had three appointments to check out some houses. Whoa!! Jimmy’s sister just called her agent and booked the appointments without asking us. I thought to myself “what a waste of this guy’s time….we’re not even really looking” after Jimmy told me the three houses we were looking at. I wanted to just skip out of the whole thing. Two were too expensive and the third one was ugly. Wanna guess which one we bought yesterday???

Jimmy and I fell in love. Hard. With the ugly house. And I have officially learned a lesson. Give the house a chance even though it’s a plain on the outside. It’s what’s on the inside that counts. How many times have you heard that?? Cause it’s true for houses too.

We pulled up to the ugly house (which really just needs a coat of paint) and I thought “No way, I won’t live here.”

Jimmy asked me a week ago if I wanted to check it out cause it was in our budget and I replied “No, it’s not cute on the outside. We’re not looking for houses till cute ones come on the market.” Of course, all I knew was what the front outside looked like but still I was convinced it was nothing special.

Wednesday afternoon we saw it and were left wanting it. Thursday we went back and everyone, except for my dad because he had band practice, came and gave their blessing. Mom told Dad “it was not what I expected when I pulled up and saw the outside (like mother, like daughter) but once I walked in……whoa, different story. I could live in that house.”

Put our offer in on Friday morning and found out at 7pm that we got it. Let the crazy times roll.

We get the keys June 30. That gives us plenty of time to buy a fridge and stove.

p.s. 5 bedrooms means……1 for us, 2 for future babies, 1 computer/gaming room for Jimmy and best of all, a scrap room for me. I can’t believe it. That was kinda my selling point.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Nothing dampens a mood more than noticing it 9 :41pm on a Sunday night.
I’m not alone in this feeling right?

I’m a totally ‘glass half empty’ kinda girl. The minute I wake up on Sunday morning, I’m like ‘Ugh, it isn’t Saturday anymore. It’s the last day of the weekend.”

Soo, Oscar night huh? Not my cup of tea. Of course, I watched the all-important red carpet pre Oscar shows this evening but I had my fill by the time the show started at 8pm.

Jimmy was feeling a little under the weather this weekend so I escaped to the mall on Saturday while he was having an afternoon nap. Leaving him is the kindest thing I can do when he’s sick. I make more noise when I’m trying to be quiet. Cups fly out of my hands and crash to the floor, if it’s a cup of a hot beverage then I yell, sometimes books fall of the bookshelf. So I went to the mall.

Bought a new book. Ok, bought a whole bunch of stuff and decided to leave the mall when I noticed the circulation in my hands was being cut off. But anyways, back to the book. Walked into the bookstore, just for fun. Not really looking for anything new cause I have a few still waiting at home. Looked up and saw this. Now tell me you wouldn’t pick this up.

Marley & Me.
Can you see what it says at the top? “life and love with the world’s worst dog”
Well that little face had me at hello…..but conviction is what made me buy the book. No way is this dog worse than Banner. No way!! And three chapters in, I’m in shock. Marley is an effing yellow Banner!!! And John and Jenny Grogan are Jimmy and I. Right down to their feelings towards pregnancy and the arguments they had about naming their new furry family member.

Marley was named after Bob Marley. He filled their home with his music. Banner was named after the road we lived on when we brought him home. Banner Road. Ok, now I’m just trying too hard to try to add parallel. Nevermind.

Oh, the first night (actually in all honesty it was the first 7 nights, but who’s counting) we put Banner to bed and he screamed for what seemed like hours. Suckers that we are, we gave in. Banner’s bed was moved from the kitchen to right up against Jimmy, who dangled his arm down to pet and soothe baby Banner to sleep. Exactly what John had to do for Marley his first night in his new home.

You just know that this book is gonna make me cry. I’ve been to John Grogan’s blog,Marley & Me , seen pictures of Marley growing up and know that Marley has passed, hopefully having gained entry into heaven. Banner and Marley will have such a blast someday together.

Friday, March 03, 2006


Thursday is always my last work day. I do work Fridays, but in jeans and totally alone!!!
Dr. X rarely works on Fridays.

Dr. X is out of the office for three weeks this month!!! On the + side, gonna catch up on everystupidthing on my desk.

However, I cringe when I think of all the patients who will be calling for prescription refills. They get nasty, they yell at me, they tell me my boss is a piece of shit that doesn’t care…… and seriously, what kind of response can I give to that? They're upset for good reason, but I'm just the messenger. I'm not the one taking three weeks off. I'm there Monday to Friday, 9-5pm.

Busting out the slow cooker today.It took me forever to peel 5 potatoes. Seriously, is there an easy way? I peel like a turtle runs. REEEEEAL SLOOOOOOOWWWW. I’m terrified of taking a chunk out of my thumb with the peeler.

Now, everyone hold your prayers. Cause I don’t need anyone praying for me to get pregnant. If it happens, it happens. Jimmy wants a baby more than I want to win the lottery but he already got a dog and a new computer. I’d get pregnant in a second if I wasn’t working for Dr. X. However, I am presently filling in for a maternity leave. If I get pregnant and leave, Employee A will come back and take my job. You’re thinking “yeah, that’s what happens when someone comes back from mat leave.” But…..Dr. X is doing a whole lot of restructuring in the next few months and I should be able to stay on full time even after Employee A comes back. She’ll have a job and I’ll have a job. If I get pregnant and leave, things might not work out in my favor.

Got my b-day tag from Gabby today in the mail. I love it. It’s sooo great to see it and hold it in my hands. This stellar sweetie put beads on my tag!!! How perfectly suited is that??

Scrapping the night away tonight. Meeting up with some friends and we'll play around. I go for the social aspect more than anything else cause I never get anything done when we get together. There's too much to chat about. And it's proven now.....last Thursday I went to a class alone. None of my regular scrap friends wanted to learn this particular class. I showed up alone and got my whole project finished at the same time as the other ladies.

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