Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My husband is a gamer

My husband was up to no good while I was at work today. You'd think a newlywed hubby with a few extra bucks in his pocket would buy something pretty for his wife like oh, I don't know.....scrapbooking supplies or even take me out to dinner. Nooo, I came home today to find that he went out and bought a new keyboard and mouse (both really sleek and waayyy sexier than I will ever look.) Nice huh? And even worse, the damn mouse shamed me. It practically laughed in my face when I tried to work it. It's a cordless baby and was sitting in a cradle and I had no idea, jiggling it around trying to get it to work and yes, after a long day at work, not getting anywhere with the mouse.....well I cursed at it!!! The mouse got the best of me. I lost my cool on Jimmy's new mouse.

And I can't wait to hear what sorta reasoning Jimmy is going to give me for all his purchases. I know it's going to be something along the lines of "well, the old keyboard and mouse were slowing me down on my games. I'm gonna score wayyy higher now." Hmm, what about scoring with your WIFE!?!?

Ok, what should I buy myself now? I'm gonna get me something pretty......something, oh I don't know.....red....that's a way sexy color right? No way is a mouse going to be sexier than me, no way.

Friday, August 26, 2005

All about moi!

Ok, not really, but sorta. I was tagged through my e-mail and so I played along and e-mailed my quirks off into cyberspace, but since I'm the boss of this blog, I'm carrying it on over here too.

Uno. I'll always choose to be the passenger over being the driver. I'll even let you drive my car so that I don't have to. I'm a nervous driver.

Deux. I married my first real boyfriend & I've never had my heart broken. I've never cried over a boy, however I did make two boys cry.

Three. My worst traits are that I'm sensitive and self-conscious. I'm positive everyone is talking about me behind my back and although I've never cried over a boy, girls sure have made me cry. (why are girls soo catty?)
Oh yeah, I cry if someone is too nice to me, if someone gives me a compliment and at lots of commercials and tv shows.

Quatro. I'm afraid of the dark. I'll go out at night but never alone. I'll drive my car, but I always make sure there is no one hiding in the back seat & then I lock all my doors (thanks to a scary e-mail with advice that stuck.) And lastly, I can't go to sleep until Jimmy is home with me.

Cinq. I pray about winning the lottery. I figured if I talk to God & tell him exactly how responsible I'll be, how I'll donate a certain percentage to charity, I'll pay off student loans and send others to school and show him how I'll spread my wealth maybe, just maybe he'll reward me.
And I'm real thorough in showing exactly how serious I am to do what I say. The night before the draw I write up a list of who gets what, sign it (like a contract, binding me to my promises) and then leave it out on the kitchen table so that God sees it when he checks in on us at night. Maybe, just maybe.........

Now the fun begins.....didn't know who to tag, until one of my favorite reads volunteered to be tagged....I'm thrilled she reads my blog and likes my hair (p.s. my husband cuts my hair....) because I think she's one cool kat. She's soo much fun, oh and did I mention she's gorgeous. (BTW, Meg I totally started reading your blog because I loved your hair. Seriously, I was like 'that girl has cute hair....She's just gotta be fun. I'm gonna love reading her blog'.)
Anyways, Meghan you have been officially tagged......and you better do this because my whole 5 readers are going to be checking in on you!! lol

Check out Meghan's blog.....she's there, plain as day to see.........under my 'blogs i'm reading section'

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Male dogs love male masters.....

Alright, I was cool with it. Jimmy prepared me before we got a dog and I stated it wouldn't bother me. I flat out told Jimmy I was not going to pick up poop EVER. I would brush the dog, walk him, pet him and love him but I drew the line at poop patrol. Jimmy agreed to always and forever pick up the poop. Only then did I agreed he could bring a dog into our too small apartment. (I even got to name Banner) Yeah, I fell in love with him the minute we brought him home.

Thank God we left Ottawa and their very small and expensive apartments behind very soon after we got Banner. B-man will be one year old next month, and at a little under 1 year old, he's one big puppy. I shudder to think what it would be like to still be living on the 12th floor in our tiny apartment with a horse-for-a-dog running around.

When we moved back to Timmins, we lucked out and found ourselved a very cute, very large two-storey apartment. Banner has a freeking backyard and we don't have to take an elevator to get outside.

Now, as I write this............Banner and I are having quality time. Jimmy is off somewhere and that leaves me alone with my son for the time being. Jimmy and I spend pretty equal amounts of time with our dog so therefore, Banner loves us equally. Jimmy is the alpha male in our household and Banner knows not to mess with him. But I'm the one who gets up earlier in the morning to get ready for work so I let Banner out for his morning pee, and for that he loves me. Jimmy walks him and I give him people food, like the watermelon we're sharing right this very moment. It's a give and take relationship. In return Jimmy and I get a million laughs a day courtesy of Mr Banner. Just yesterday Jimmy was telling me he didn't think Banner favoured one of us over the other. I think he was genuinely happy that Banner didn't spend more time trying to impress him first and then me. And even though I played it tough last October when we brought Banner home and told Jimmy I wouldn't be hurt if the dog was more attentive to him, I'm soo glad my little man loves me too!! And boy does he ever.........his eyes.....he can't take his eyes off of me........he loves me......he thinks I'm the prettiest girl he's ever seen........oh, waitaminute, he wants more watermelon.

I love you B. Thanks for the laughs and love. xox

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Who are Raina & James??

I Wanna Grow Old With You - Adam Sandler

I wanna make you smile,
Whenever you're sad.
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad.
All I wanna do,
Is grow old with you.
I'll get your medicine,
When your tummy aches.
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks.
It would be so nice,
Growin' old with you.
I'll miss you, kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold.
Need you, feed you.
I'll even let you hold the remote control.
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink.
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink.
Oh I could be the man,
Who grows old with you.
I wanna grow old with you

Answer: We are a couple who has enough of a sense of humour to choose Adam Sandler to sing us our first dance song at our wedding. And we truly believe a happy marriage involves everything mentioned in the songs lyrics. We're also sensible enough to realize that a wedding is sacred, so we posed for a 'melange' of serious and silly poses with our photographer.

Honorable wedding mentions.......

1. There was skinny dipping going on at my wedding!! Is that a first?

2. I gave my guests goosebumps as I walked towards the alter. I did my research and deciced Etta James' At Last would do the trick and it sure did. I effing love that song!!!

3. Jimmy and I were pronounced husband and wife........and then we marched off to Weezer!!! Anyone wanna guess which song?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sex anyone???

Come on over..........
I'm home from work today due to computer problems. I'm bored, Banner is sleeping and it's way to quiet here. There is laundry to do, I could always give the floor a little sweep and I have thank you cards to write out for wedding gifts............ Screw it, I'm curling up on the couch with my Sex and the City DVDs and spending the afternoon with Carrie & Co. And it's all because of this picture.

Yup, it is.....Carrie's doorstep. Jimmy wanted to do touristy things (Empire State Bldg, Ground Zero, Lady Lib...) while we were in NYC.... all I wanted to was sit on Carrie's front steps.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Where my dog sits when we're not around...

Yup, on our leather couch..... Except it's not a secret. We know he does this. He does it while we're out, he does it when we're home, heck he does it while we have company over....and someone usually ends up sitting in his favorite spot and then they're force to move because B wants to sit in their lap.

Banner, my sweet little man. Because of you, I have black fur everywhere in my home. Because of you and your adorable puppy eyes, I have to share all my favorite foods. Because of you, Jimmy and I considered cutting our honeymoon short because we missed you soo much. Because of you, I have to keep the bedroom and bathroom doors closed at all times..... Why do you love to eat my underwear soo much?

Banner is feeling a little under the weather today. He spent the day sleeping. We suspect he ate something he shouldn't have....most likely my underwear. They're his favorite snack. Ok stop reading if you don't like poop stories....

Usually, Banner throws up my underwear before they hit his digestive system but yesterday Jimmy cleaned up some puppy poop with underwear in it. Yeah, they were mine..... I'm sure they were cute ones too. Now we're left worrying if Banner is sick because he chewed my underwear to pieces and there are still remnants of undies in his belly.....

B, get better soon.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Hair is VERY important

Alright, this is a pretty useless post. However I guess it's also a good one because you get 4 new pictures from the wedding. Well, two minorly important pictures of me getting my hair touched up, but still. That was a pretty big part of my day.... my hairstylist/aunt Louise sure took her job seriously. And the other two pictures (first and last) are amusing to me at least, because I see that I did have two different hairstyles. These pictures are for all the people who told me I would regret not having long hair for my wedding. As if.... how many brides get to say they had two different hairstyles??? My first 'do was a Marilyn-type hair (that lost all it's oomph in the humidity before any of these pictures were taken). The last picture is me dancing with Jimmy after I attacked my second 'do that my aunt gave me. Her take on 'porno hair' was make it HUGE!! I love porno hair, but I like to pretend I'm not quite sooo porno. I tamed it a little and of course, pure Raina........I stuck flowers in my hair. (no, you're right you can't see it....it's on my right side.)

my beautiful alter

Alright, here's a picture of our alter. This is where the magic took place. It was perfect and I loved it. I had no idea what it was really going to look like because it mostly all came together while I was getting my hair done on Saturday morning.
Lot's of effing work went into the 'erecting' of the alter, right Caroline and Paula? lol

Whoa Nelly, I got lots of pictures......

Alright, all my pictures are officially in tonight.....between all my friends, family, my own pictures and my two photographers, I got me a shitload of them. But that's good, cause you can never have too many pictures of your own wedding. I mean, this is the only time (I promise Mom & Dad) and it's for the long haul.
Now, I'll be busy for months sorting them all........ Crap, I swear I was soo close to being done sorting and then tonight Paula sent me over her pictures and my second photographer called us telling us our album is ready. Another 200 pictures to sort through.......and this photographer didn't include the negatives or picture cds so Jimmy's gonna scan them for me. That oughta keep him out of trouble and off his PS2 for a while.

So, even though I'm busy sorting pictures, I thought I'd throw you a bone and let you see one picture. Haha, yup, just one. I'm soo happy I changed my mind at the last minute about my cake. I love the one I chose. Just one of the many things that made my day perfect.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

because Auntie Linda said so...........

hahaha, Jimmy's auntie Linda was over last night to check out wedding pictures and NYC pics from our honeymoon. I know a million of you are waiting for pictures and I swear they are coming REALLY soon. I have a million to sort through (I'm really anal and don't want to share till I've seen every picture from every angle and then you'll see the best. I'm waiting for one more cd full of pictures and my album from my second photographer. Yes, two photographers......I know, a little excessive but I love pictures. His pictures should be here this coming week.....and THEN, and only then will I be able to share. You have to respect my anal-ness.

Anyways, I'm posting these pictures from Madam Tussaud's because Linda told me I looked GORGEOUS in this picture with Mr Simon Cowell!! Not often do I get told I look gorgeous so when I do, I post those pictures!!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'm a married woman.......and done honeymoonin' too

Well, the wedding went off without a hitch. It was a hot and humid day, everyone was sweating like pigs and I 'melted'. My hair got flatter as the day wore on and my make-up evaporated (?? can I say that??) but it didn't stop me from getting married..... And everyone swears I was still the most beautiful bride they ever seen, but doesn't everyone say that to every bride?

I just got home from NYC. It was the longest week of my life. It was sooo hot, I swear almost 100 degrees with the humidity. For two days, all I wanted to eat was watermelon and drink smoothies and water. I lost 5 pounds. However, drinking water constantly from vendors in Time Square = lots of money. Did I spend lots of money? YES!!! What did I buy? WATER!!!

To make things worse, the weather was insanely hot and we had a million things to do in the week we were there. Did manage to see all the important stuff like Ground Zero, took a ferry to the Statue of Liberty, went up the Empire State Building, Central Park, Madame Tussauds Wax Museum and I saw Beauty and the Beast (it gave me shivers and made me a little bit teary because the set was soo beautiful.)

All in all, it was a busy past few weeks and I'm anxious to just settle into my new married life.....still haven't decided what to do about my name change. I'm thinking I want to hypenate..... I can't just up and change my name....I know lots of women do it, but I still want to hang on to the old me. Jimmy and I have been together for 8 years (today!!! Is this still an anniversary???) so even though we're newlyweds, it still doesn't feel too different.

I want to keep me alive.....but also be a part of Jimmy. Does Lafond-Demers sound fabulous or what!?!?
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