Ok, not really, but sorta. I was tagged through my e-mail and so I played along and e-mailed my quirks off into cyberspace, but since I'm the boss of this blog, I'm carrying it on over here too.
Uno. I'll always choose to be the passenger over being the driver. I'll even let you drive my car so that I don't have to. I'm a nervous driver.
Deux. I married my first real boyfriend & I've never had my heart broken. I've never cried over a boy, however I did make two boys cry.
Three. My worst traits are that I'm sensitive and self-conscious. I'm positive everyone is talking about me behind my back and although I've never cried over a boy, girls sure have made me cry. (why are girls soo catty?)
Oh yeah, I cry if someone is too nice to me, if someone gives me a compliment and at lots of commercials and tv shows.
Quatro. I'm afraid of the dark. I'll go out at night but never alone. I'll drive my car, but I always make sure there is no one hiding in the back seat & then I lock all my doors (thanks to a scary e-mail with advice that stuck.) And lastly, I can't go to sleep until Jimmy is home with me.
Cinq. I pray about winning the lottery. I figured if I talk to God & tell him exactly how responsible I'll be, how I'll donate a certain percentage to charity, I'll pay off student loans and send others to school and show him how I'll spread my wealth maybe, just maybe he'll reward me.
And I'm real thorough in showing exactly how serious I am to do what I say. The night before the draw I write up a list of who gets what, sign it (like a contract, binding me to my promises) and then leave it out on the kitchen table so that God sees it when he checks in on us at night. Maybe, just maybe.........
Now the fun begins.....didn't know who to tag, until one of my favorite reads volunteered to be tagged....I'm thrilled she reads my blog and likes my hair (p.s. my husband cuts my hair....) because I think she's one cool kat. She's soo much fun, oh and did I mention she's gorgeous. (BTW, Meg I totally started reading your blog because I loved your hair. Seriously, I was like 'that girl has cute hair....She's just gotta be fun. I'm gonna love reading her blog'.)
Anyways, Meghan you have been officially tagged......and you better do this because my whole 5 readers are going to be checking in on you!! lol
Check out Meghan's blog.....she's there, plain as day to see.........under my 'blogs i'm reading section'